The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
(Eleanor Roosevelt)
Professor Margarita Mathiopoulos Entrepreneur/Political
Scientist/Historian Prof.Emerita US Foreign Policy and International Security, University of Potsdam
Professor Margarita Mathiopoulos, Entrepreneur/ Political Scientist and
Historian, born in Bonn, studied Ancient History, Political Science, Law,
Psychology and Italian Philology at the Universities of Bonn, Harvard, Stanford,
and the Sorbonne. She holds a Master Degree in Political Science from the
University of Bonn 1980; she speaks five languages.
- The Closed Society and Its Friends, Hamburg 1997
- On the Fragility of Democracy, Munich 1995
- Rendezvous with GDR - Political Myths and their Demythologyzation, Duesseldorf 1994
- The End of the Bonn Republic - A European View, Stuttgart 1993
- The New Europe - A European-American Dialogue (Ed.), Bonn/Berlin 1992
- History and Progress, In Search of the European and American Mind,
New York 1989, with a foreword by Gordon A. Craig; (German edition 1987 with
a foreword by Karl Dietrich Bracher)
Professional Career in Industry, Banking and as an Entrepreneur
- since 2001 Co-Founder and CEO of EAG European Advisory Group,
- since 2006 Founder and CEO of ASPIDE Group, Berlin/ Hongkong
/Washington; both Groups merged in 2014 to ASPIDE Group
- 2019 Visiting Professor, Department of Diplomacy, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing
- 2002 – 2019 appointment as Honorary Professor of US-Foreign
Policy and International Security at the University of Potsdam (see full
academic career at
- 1998-2001 Senior Advisor European and North American Markets to the CEO
of BAE SYSTEMS plc: Portfolio: strategic marketing-planning, new business
and political-industrial cooperation
- 1992-1997 Senior Vice President and Division Head Marketing,
Communications, and International Relations of Norddeutsche Landesbank,
- 1995- 2018 appointment as Honorary Professor of US - Foreign Policy and
International Politics at the Technical University of Braunschweig
- 1987-1992 Associate Director and Member of the Board of Directors of the
ASPEN-Institute Berlin, Lecturer and Guest Professorships at the Free
University Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, and at the University of
- 1985-1987 Communications and Marketing Manager at IBM Germany, Stuttgart
- 1975-1980 journalist/ moderator at WDR-TV I/III, Cologne
Memberships/ Honorary functions on Boards of Academic, Cultural and NATO Institutions
- since 2023 Member of the Economic forum of the Social Democratic
Party of Germany (SPD)
- since 2022 Member of the Steering Group of the Club of Three, London
- since 2014 Member of InvestAfrica, London
- since 2011 Member of the Advisory Board of the "Jewish Voice from
Germany", Berlin
- since 2010 Member of The Atlantic Council of the United States,
Washington, D.C.
- since 2009 Member of the
German Council on Foreign Affairs (DGAP), Berlin.
- since 2000 Member of the Advisory Board of the Philharmony of
Nations, Hamburg
- 1996 - 2021 Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts,
- 1996 - 2021 Member of the International Advisory Board of Instituto
de Empresa (IE), Madrid
- 1995 - 2018 Member of the International Institute for Strategic
Studies (IISS), London
- 1993 - 1997 Member of the American Chamber of Commerce, Frankfurt
- 1991 - 2003 Vice President of the German-Atlantic-Association, Berlin
- since 1990 Member of the American Council on Germany, New York
Honorary functions in Politics
- 2002 – 2011 foreign policy advisor to the Chairman of the Free
Democratic Party of Germany (FDP)
- 2002 – 2011 member of the FDP-Program Commission focusing on foreign
and security policy
- 2003 - 2005 chairwomen of the FDP-National Committee on Foreign-and
Security Policy
- 2005 - 2012 chairwomen of the FDP-Transatlantic Forum
Articles on US- Foreign Policy, the European-American and
German-American relations after 1945, transatlantic-security-policy,
defense and military issues, the CSCE/OSCE- Process, or the American
Presidency have appeared a.o. in Aussenpolitik, Presidential Studies
Quarterly, Washington Quarterly, Europaeische Rundschau, International
Herald Tribune, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Welt, Cicero, Wall
Street Journal, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, NATO`s NATIONS, Military Technology,
Süddeutsche Zeitung.