Professor Margarita Mathiopoulos
Entrepreneur/Political Scientist/Historian
Prof.Emerita US Foreign Policy and International
Security, University of Potsdam



  • Participation at the Salzburg Global Seminar June 2018 Board Weekend on “Who’s Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?”
  • Participation at the Munich Security Conference 1998 ff
  • Participation at the CLUB OF THREE Meetings since 2001





  • “China as a New Global Power and its Impact on the United States”, at DELPHI ECONOMIC FORUM 1-4 March 2018, on Panel US and the New Global Order, Delphi


  • “Greece’s Rising Energy Role As A Key European Energy Hub”, at the EU ARAB WORLD SUMMIT 9-10 November 2017, on Panel Cooperation in the Energy Sector, Athens
  • “China, the United States and Russia: Can The Three Agree On A New World Order?”, at BEIJING FORUM 3-5 November 2017, on Panel Global Governance at a Crossroad: What Needs to Be Done?, Beijing
  • “Why To Invest In Greece”, at DELPHI ECONOMIC FORUM 25-28 February 2017, on Panel Foreign Direct Investment As A Key Driver For Growth And Prosperity, Delphi


  • "Promoting Europe in the World: Competition and Collaboration", Club of Three Plenary Session, London, 28 October 2016
  • "Opportunities for Foreign Investment in Greece", Delphi Economic Forum, Delphi, 27 February 2016


  • "Reflections on Water Ethics and De-Contamination", 6th Danube Academies Conference, European Academy of Sciences and Arts Salzburg and University of Ulm, Ulm, 16 April 2015



  • "What is Germany´s role within a Transatlantic Global Agenda?", Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, 22 June 2010
  • "Russia's Changing Role in the Transatlantic Partnership", American Jewish Committee (AJC), Berlin, 15 June 2010


  • "Obama Seen from Europe - An Early Assessment of the President's Foreign Policy", The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington, DC, 5 June 2009


  • "Expectations of German Foreign Policy in a globalized world", Haelen Academy, Cologne, 26 June 2007


  • "EUROPE AND AMERICA: CAN THERE BE A REAL RAPPROCHEMENT?" 13th Plenary Meeting, Club of 3, London, 7/8 October 2005
  • "Interkulturelle Kompetenz im globalen Wettbewerb - Do's und Don'ts bei Verhandlungen mit ausländischen Kunden" 8. Managing Change-Kongress der Heinz Goldmann Foundation, Wiesbaden, 11-12 March 2005
  • Evolution of Security Emergency, Terrorism, Ecological Destabilization, the Threat of Electronic Attack, 1st International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Homeland Defense and Border Protection, Warsaw, 12 May 2005
  • Visionen für ein sicheres Leben - 30. Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag, Hannover, 28 May 2005


  • "Recommendations for a New Transatlantic Charta. A Strong Europe - A Partner, Not a Rival to the United States", Center for Security Strategy, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Beijing, 26 November 2004
  • "Recommendations for a New Transatlantic Charta. A Strong Europe - A Partner, Not a Rival to the United States", Foundation for International and Strategic Studies, Beijing, 25 November 2004
  • "Recommendations for a New Transatlantic Charta. A Strong Europe - A Partner, Not a Rival to the United States", Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 25 November 2004


  • "The Big Friendly Giant: European Living With A Hyperpower", Club of 3, Paris, 14-15 November 2003
  • "ATA 49th General Assembly", Panel: "After Iraq - a new transatlantic consensus? NATO at a crossroads!", Edinburgh, 5-8 November 2003
  • "Conference on Business Trade and Energy", Club of 3, Moskau, 20-21 June 2003
  • "Transatlantic relations at a crossroads", Panel: "European policy towards the US and US policy towards Europe", German Institute Amsterdam (DIA) and the Netherlands Atlantic Association, Amsterdam, 19-20 June 2003
  • Amerikanische Führungsmacht - europäisches Gegengewicht?, Panel: "Bruchstellen in der westlichen Wertegemeinschaft", Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung und Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin, Berlin, 13-15 June 2003
  • "The Consequences of the Iraq Crisis", Luncheon Talk with NATO-Defense Attaches, Berlin, 3 June 2003
  • "Die europäisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen nach der Irak Kriese", Offizierschule des Heeres in Dresden, Dresden, 27 May 2003
  • "Healing the Rift", Panel: "The Future: Defense, NATO, and the European Rapid Reaction Force", Atlantic Partnership Conference, London, 19 May 2003



  • "Hat sich das Kräfteverhältnis zwischen Europa und den USA durch die Terroranschläge verändert?", Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt am Main, 29 November 2001
  • NATO goes global or becomes irrelevant, NATO'S NATIONS / Dr. Manfred Wörner Circle, NATO Headquarter, 19 November 2001
  • Challenges for Europe: The Euro, The Dollar and Gold World Gold Council, Berlin, 16 November 2001
  • Berliner Dialog Internationale Sicherheit Russlands Platz in der europäischen Sicherheitsarchitektur, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Berlin, 5 6 November 2001
  • Aecma Annual Convention, Naples, 18 19 October 2001
  • 12. Forum Bundeswehr und Gesellschaft, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1 2 October 2001
  • The Strategic Implementations of the Information Revolution, IISS 43rd Annual Conference, IISS, Genf, 12 15 September 2001
  • 4th Annual Symi Symposium Europe in a Global Community: Leader or Follower? A Progessive's Approach to the Challenges of the 21st Century, Andreas G. Papandreou Foundation, Olympia, Greece, 7 15 Juli 2001
  • Berliner Dialog Internationale Sicherheit Grundpfeiler Europäischer Sicherheit, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Berlin, 2 3 Juli 2001
  • Innere Führung Wertebindung, Stabilität und Zukunftsfähigkeit in Europa, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Berlin, 29 June 2001
  • Club of 3,"Where do we stand? Update on British/Franco/German Relations, Paris, 22 23 June 2001
  • Gründerkultur, Wagniskultur und Selbständigkeit in Deutschland und USA, FDP-Bundestagsfraktion, Berlin, 18 June 2001
  • The Status of Woman: Facing the Facts, Forging the Future, Institute for Women's Policy Research / Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Washington DC, 8 9 June 2001
  • Europes New Democracies: Leadership & Responsibility, Bratislava, 10 12 May 2001
  • "Russia and the West: The Way Ahead", Rethinking European Security, East West Institute, New York, 8 May 2001
  • "Europa auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert", 5. Wirtschaftsforum Dessau, Dessau, 24 April 2001
  • "Amerika und Europa, Wem gehört die Zukunft?", R+V Ehrentage, Frankfurt, 23 March 2001
  • 51. Königswinter Konferenz Europa: Chancen und neue Ungewissheiten, Deutsch Englische Gesellschaft e.V., Potsdam, 22 24 March 2001
  • Munitions Export Controls and Defense Cooperation, IBC Global Conferences, London, 21 March 2001
  • SPD Forum, "Wirtschaft und Arbeit in Deutschland", Düsseldorf, 11 March 2002
  • "Current Issues Affecting the Alliance and European Security", NATO-School SHAPE, Oberammergau, 9 March 2001
  • "NATO, Democracy, and Defense""NATO, Defense, Democracy, Globalization and Human Rights", Conference sponsored by the Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding and The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom: At Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolnshire, 11 Februar 2001
  • "London, Paris, Berlin - Nach Nizza im Dreiklang zur Weltmacht?", Presseclub Hannover, Hannover, 16 Januar 2001
  • "The International Security Situation in Europe", A German View, 14th Dolder Conference, Zürich, 12 - 14 Januar 2001


  • "The Political-Military Perspectives on Deployed Operations", Reaction Force Air Conference 2000 Deployed Joint (Air) Operations, Kalkar, 5 December 2000
  • "The Transatlantic Relationship in the 21st Century", Political Committee of the Atlantic Treaty Association at the 46th Annual Assembly in Budapest, 2 November 2000
  • "Europa auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert", Internationale Strategietage, Baden-Baden, 9 October 2000
  • "Renaissance des Liberalismus", Abschlußeranstaltung der FDP im NRW-Wahlkampf, Münster, 9 May 2000
  • "Why European Defense Capabilities need a Strong Transatlantic Defense Industry?": "NATO, Europe and the Transatlantic Alliance in the 21st Century", Conference sponsored by the Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding and The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom: At Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolnshire, 11 - 12 Februar 2000


  • "Does Europe need a strong and independent defense industry?", Conference of "Le Monde", co-sponsored by "El Pais" and the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, 1 December 1999
  • "The New Security Environment", 4th Advanced Security Policy & Defence Management Course, Military Academy, Brno, 16 November 1999
  • "Die Schaffung europäischer Verteidigungsfähigkeiten", Drittes Sicherheitspolitisches Europaforum, Diplomatische Akademie, Wien, 12 November 1999
  • "British Aerospace in the 21st Century", Defense Economics Strategy and Procurement Towards the 21st Century, University of Cambridge Board of Continuing Education, Madingley Hall, Universität Cambridge, 1 November 1999
  • "World Economic Forum", Salzburg, 30 June 2 Juli 1999
  • "Europe: A Future Global Player with London on its Side", NATO's Future and Atlantic Friendships and Rivalries, The 4th Annual Trent Park Conference on the Future of the Atlantic Community, New Hall, Middlesex University, Trent, Park London, 18 June 1999
  • "NATO: Fifty Years and Beyond", Conference organized by the Atlantic Council of the United States, the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Association of the United States Army, State Department, Washington D.C., 9 April 1999
  • "Europe's Options as a Global Player in the 21st Century", "Standing on Giants Shoulders in readiness for the 21st Century", Conference sponsored by the Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding and The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom: At Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolnshire, 24 Januar 1999


  • "NATO: America and Europe - a time for vision" "NATO: America and Europe - a time for vision", A conference sponsored by the Trades Union Committee for European and Transatlantic Understanding and The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom, At Stoke Rochford Hall, Lincolnshire, 23 - 25 Januar 1998
  • "World Economic Forum", Salzburg, 22 - 24 June 1998